IoT Architecture & Security Audit

IoT Architecture & Security Audit

As people and businesses continue to accelerate their adoption of IoT devices it is important that your IoT Architecture is designed around four key principles. These being Usability, Scale, Security and Reliability. All four have the ability to make or break your business and all four should warrant significant attention both during initial design and … Read more

Magpas Air Ambulance at RAF Wyton

Magpas Air Ambulance at RAF Wyton

This year the 1st July 2023 saw the RAF Armed Forces Day take place at RAF Wyton. The day included flypasts, a paratrooping display as well as a multitude of stalls, games, fair ground rides, , military equipment on display, emergency vehicles on display including Magpas Air Ambulance at RAF Wyton. Also in attendance were … Read more

Ask questions… Reduce risk

Ask questions... Reduce risk

Whether a project is successful or not typically comes down to one thing, risk management. Risk’s not being identified, or being identified but managed incorrectly leads to the demise of many projects. Ask questions… Reduce risk Identifying Risk The first step in sufficiently managing risk is to ensure all risks have been identified. From my … Read more

What is Grounded Theory?

What is Grounded Theory?

Grounded theory is ‘the systematic discovery of theory from data as the concepts emerge and integrate’ (Glaser, 1992). The process is simple: start with open coding, move on to selective coding, then sorting and then map out the visualisation based on the theories derived from the data. Summary Grounded Theory is a qualitative research methodology … Read more

Visualisation Tools

Visualisation Tools

Visualisation tools are software programs designed to create interactive and engaging visualisations, charts, graphs, maps, and other forms of data visualization. These tools enable users to transform complex data sets into visually appealing and easy-to-understand representations that can be used for analysis, reporting, and decision-making. Visualisation tools can connect to a variety of data sources, … Read more