List of Local Government Areas across Australia

List of Local Government Areas across Australia

Below is an extensive list of local government areas across Australia. Australia is a federation consisting of six states and two major territories. Below is an extensive list of local government areas across Australia. Australia comprises of six states, and two major mainland territories: Australia states: Mainland territories: Each state and territory has its own … Read more

The importance of coordinating communication

The importance of coordinating communication

Communication is critical in all facets of life. Project Management and Customer Success is no different. Communication keeps stakeholders informed, builds relationships, helps identify risk, surfaces and remediates frustration and highlights new business opportunities. That being said, if it delivers little value or comes in high quantities, it can also result in frustration, even worse … Read more

Bike & Boot In The Peak District

Bike & Boot in The Peak District

Earlier in February I stayed at the newly opened Bike & Boot in The Peak District. Located near Hope and the Hope Valley the Bike & Boot finished construction in 2023. The hotel boasts stunning rooms, a stunning restaurant and is located in the world famous picturesque Peak District. Prices are very affordable, I got … Read more

AWS Generative AI

AWS Generative AI

Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a very topical subject at the minute. If you have been to any type of business or technical conference in the first half of this year you will have likely detected an undertone of Generative AI in the topics discussed. Whilst it seems the catalyst to the rise in prominence … Read more

IoT Architecture & Security Audit

IoT Architecture & Security Audit

As people and businesses continue to accelerate their adoption of IoT devices it is important that your IoT Architecture is designed around four key principles. These being Usability, Scale, Security and Reliability. All four have the ability to make or break your business and all four should warrant significant attention both during initial design and … Read more