George and Mildred is a British sitcom that originally aired on ITV between 1976 and 1979. Staring Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce as husband and wife, George and Mildred. The sitcom focuses on their day to day life after moving into a new house in the first episode within the upper class area of Hampton Wick. In this post we take a look at some of the key George & Mildred Filming Locations that were used.
George and Mildred’s House Filming Location
In episode one we see George and Mildred purchase the house of Mildred’s dreams on Peacock Crescent. Living next door is the estate agent that first showed them around their new home, Jeffrey Fourmile. Jeffrey lives with his wife Ann and children Tristram and from series 3 onwards Tarquin.
While depicted as Peacock Crescent in the upper class area of Hampton Wick, the external shots were filmed at the properties on Manor Road, Teddington as shown below.
Series 1 Episode 8
In this episode we see George in a wheelchair being pushed around by Jeffrey. Jeffrey is somewhat feeling guilty after it was him removing the ladder that led to George falling off the roof of his house and breaking his leg.
In the episode we see Jeffrey pushing George up to the shop. While Jeffrey is in the shop George tries to move forward to a magazine stand in his wheelchair. After removing the break however we see him rolling backwards down the street.
The shop used in the filming is now Berry Nails as shown below and is on Chiltern Drive, Surbiton, London.
At the end of the scene we see George crash into men outside the pub. The location of this is also on Chiltern Drive, but funnily enough, higher up the road from where George started free falling down the street.
Other Locations to be confirmed
Series 1 Episode 5
The church used at the start of this episode used for the funeral where George drops 50p onto the coffin.
Do you know of any other filming locations used in George & Mildred?
If you know of any other locations used in the filming of George & Mildred please comment below.
Check out other Filming Locations
The buildings look identical, but in the TV show they have flat lawns that run to the pavement, in the second photograph they don’t have lawns but steps leading down to the pavement below. Are you sure these are the same buildings?
Hi Steve
Many thanks for your comment. The flat gardens are the correct properties. The ones with the stairs are on the right to the main houses that you see in Google Street view. I included them as often seen in the background, to confirm the location. On Google Street view, if you move the view to the right you will see them. 🙂
Was there a pub there before? There appears to have been a cellar, or something else that was used as a cellar for filming…
Hi Joe, Thanks for contributing. I believe it was different ownership back then but the pub still do this day has a cellar. You can see the entrance to it on Streetview by the first window.