During lockdown enforced due to the outbreak of Covid-19, I helped one of the charities that I volunteer for do a monthly virtual quiz. In a bid to make the quiz a bit different every time I would add in Bonus questions as a break from the standard multiple-choice offering.
Bonus questions took a different form each month. Sometimes images, sounds, videos, riddles, and so on. In June’s quiz, I added snippets from 1990’s tv adverts and programmes. I only ended up using two out of the five below due to time commitments. But can you name all 5 brands? The answers are at the bottom.
Do you know these 1990s tv adverts and programmes?
Advert 1
Advert 2
Advert 3
Advert 4
Advert 5
How well do you think you have done? Here are the answers.
Answer Sheet
Advert 1 – Yellow Pages
Advert 2 – WHSmith
Advert 3 – Wrigley’s Chewing Gum
Advert 4 – Lucozade
Advert 5 – Tandy
How well did you do? Comment below 🙂

Thanks for reading: Do you know these 1990s tv adverts and programmes?
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