The Thin Blue Line was a BBC sitcom that originially aired on BBC One between 1995 and 1996. The comedy starred Rowan Atkinson as Inspector Fowler. A Uniformed inspector of a police station in the fictional town of Gasforth. In this post we take a look at some of the Thin Blue Line Filming Locations used for this great comedy.
The majority of the sitcolm was filmed at BBC Studios, Borehamwood. However, Watford city center was used for some external locations.
National Friendly Bank
Episode 4 of series 1, entitled Rag Week sees Fowler enter the National Friendly Bank where several bank robbers have taken hostages.

The external shots of the episode were filmed on High Steet, and Market Street, Watford.
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Wow, its a Five Guys now… how times change and make us feel old… sometimes I forget that this first aired in the mid 1990s.