EKM has this month launched a new service called Obodo that offers free ecommerce for local businesses and charities.
The platform is designed for businesses and charities with a local customer base. Purchases can only be made on your Obodo store from customers within a 15 mile radius of your business address.
Obodo gives you a digital version of your physical shop, where customers can browse, make purchases and pay remotely. Providing you have a collection facility or can provide local delivery, this could be the solution you are looking for.

Does it cost?
There are no platform or setup costs however there is a small transaction fee when you make a sale. The transaction fee is 3.9% + 20p per sale. The software is easy to use and very intuitive, you don’t need to be a computer expert to setup for free store.
Is it difficult to use?
The software is very easy and intuitive to use. Within a few steps you will have your empty online store setup. Once that is done it is just a matter of adding your products. This process is very similar to adding products on Ebay. Give the product a name, description, price and upload an image. You can also set stock levels so you will never oversell an item.
What type of local businesses is it suitable for?
I would say its suitable for most if not all local businesses where you wish to be able to sell within your local area only. It’s ideal for businesses such as Farm Shops, clothing shops and retailers of most products. But if you are unsure if it will work with your business, give it a try, it’s free! You will only pay if you sell an item, which is good right?
This free ecommerce for local businesses solution could also be used by charities who are currently unable to open their charity shops.
I haven’t heard of Obodo?
Obodo has only launched this month. However, the platform is run by EKM which is a well established ecommerce business in the UK.
If you have tried or use Obodo, I would love to hear your feedback on this new service. Please comment below or contact me.