Charity shops are such an integral part of our high street and such a vital source of income for so many charities. People are often drawn to charity shops by the lower prices, eclectic range of goods and by the knowledge their money is going to a worthy cause. But in terms of goods, What draws the British public to Charity Shops?
Online Poll – Which of the following is the biggest draw for you to a Charity Shop?
Over the weekend of 9th October – 12th October 2020 I ran a online Poll to find out, what the biggest draw is for shoppers out of the four key categories. The key categories were:
A: Clothes or shoes
B: Books, DVDs or Music
C: Furniture
D: Children’s Toys
The Results are in!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, ‘Clothes or Shoes’ topped the poll. Although just a dip sample of 96 shoppers, ‘Clothes or Shoes’ took the lead narrowly ahead of ‘Books, DVDs or Music’.
It’s an interesting question – as a draw to get people through the door. Sales wise almost every charity shop does around 50-60% of their sales on clothing. For us that is around 45% on ladies wear alone.
Given the result of the poll and the fantastic insight given by Trevor Johnson, it makes perfect sense why a large proportion of charity stores are allocated to clothing. Also why typically clothing takes pride of place at the front of most charity stores.
Read more Charity related posts.