What Search Engines does Google Power?

In most countries across the world, Google has the biggest slice of the pie when it comes to online searches. The vast majority of these searches come through Google’s primary domains. However, there are hundreds of other search engines all around the world that use Google’s Search Banks to pull their results. So, what Search Engines does Google power?

Search Engines that use Google

This list is a dip sample of some of the search engines from around the world that use Google as their engine. This list is by no means exhaustive.

By submitting your website to Google you can benefit from being indexed in the results of these additional search engines.

How do you get listed in Google?

  1. Navigate to https://search.google.com
  2. Sign in or create a new Google Account.
  3. Enter your URL into the URL Prefix Box
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify that you own the domain.
  5. Once you have verified the domain click ‘Site Maps’.
  6. Enter your sitemap address. This is usually https://www.yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml
  7. Google will then read your site map which is a list of pages on your website. Once it has done this you will usually begin to see your website on Google Results pages within a few days.
Search Engine Submission List (256 downloads )

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