Brittas Empire BBC Filming Locations

The Brittas Empire was a BBC comedy that was broadcast between 1991 and 1997. Including specials, a total of 52 episodes were created over 7 series. The sitcom focused on the Leisure Centre Manager Mr Gordon Brittas (Chris Barrie) and his team of staff.

Set in the fictional setting of Whitbury New Town Leisure Centre, the majority of the sitcom was filmed at BBC studios. However, in this post, we take a look at some of the external locations used to make this great comedy.

Whitbury New Town Leisure Centre Filming Location

Many of the scenes filmed inside the Leisure Centre were actually filmed in BBC studios. However, Ringwood Health & Leisure Centre was used for the external scenes of the leisure centre as well as swimming pool scenes and some other sport facility scenes.

For filming continuity, a false entrance was used on-site at Ringwood Health & Leisure Centre. This was so it could be easily replicated in the studio. If you look at the picture below carefully you will see the right side has nothing behind it. The fake entrance hides the actual entrance which is below the panes of glass at the top of the picture.

Brittas Empire BBC Filming Locations - Leisure Centre
Whitbury New Town Leisure Centre

Ringwood Health & Leisure Centre

Other Brittas Empire BBC Filming Locations

Mr & Mrs Brittas’s Home

Seen only in a few episode’s, this is the home of Mr Brittas, his wife Helen and their children.

Brittas Empire BBC Filming Locations
The home of Mr and Mrs Brittas

47 Northfield Road, Ringwood was used as the location of Mr Brittas’s home.

Laura’s House

Again rarely seen was the home of Laura, the Deputy Manager at Whitbury Newtown Leisure Centre. In one episode Laura and Mr and Mrs Brittas enjoy a drink in the back garden of this property.

Brittas Empire BBC Filming Locations - Lauras House
Deputy Manager Laura’s Home

Ringwood / Whitbury New Town

Ringwood was used for a number of external locations throughout the lifetime of the sitcom. Here are just a few of them.

Le Jollies Chocolaties’ where Mr Brittas goes to collect some chocolate. In 2021 this is now an RSPCA charity shop.

Le Jollie Chocolaties Shop RIngwood
Le Jollie Chocolaties, Ringwood
RSPCA Charity Shop, RIngwood
RSPCA Charity Shop, High Street, Ringwood

In Series 9 there is an episode where Julie picks up Linda from the ‘Archdeacon’s Residence, Romsey’.

Market Place, Ringwood 1994

In actual fact, this is Market Place, Ringwood.

Market Place, RIngwood 2021
Market Place, Ringwood

Also in Series 5, in the future and Gavin is campaigning for election.

Election Campaign
Gavin and Tim Campaigning

This scene was filmed just at Kingfield, Ringwood.

KIngsfield, Ringwood
Kingsfield Ringwood.

Reunion of the Cast

In 2017 the cast reunited on location at Ringwood Health & Leisure Centre to celebrate 20 years since the completion of series 7. Watch the video. In 2021 there are still rumours about an 8th series in the pipeline.

Finally, I hope you enjoyed this post on Brittas Empire BBC Filming Locations. If you know of any other locations from this sitcom, please comment below.

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