In the early stages of my degree, the NET-SEAL animations project by Dr. Emad Aboelela was a great asset to help in my understanding.
The Net-Seal animations are a series of easy to understand visuals to help a student understand different types of computer networks and components.
Animations list
- No Network
- Hub
- Switch
- Switched Network With No Server
- Switched Network With Server
- Adding Switches
- The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- ARP with Multiple Networks
- Routing
- IP Subnets
- TCP Connections
- TCP Multiplexing
- TCP Buffering and Sequencing
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- IP Fragmentation
- Switch Congestion
- TCP Flow Control
- Internet Access
- Email Protocols
- Wireless Network and Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Public Key Encryption
- Firewalls
- Stop-and-Wait ARQ
- Go-Back-N ARQ
- Selective Repeat ARQ
- The OSI model
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) Computer Network
- Ad-Hoc Network

Additionally, if you know of any other great resources to learn networking, please comment below.