The Good Life Filming Locations

The Good Life is a BBC comedy staring Richard Briers (Tom) and Felicity Kendal (Barbara) that originally aired on BBC 1 between 1975 and 1978. The series focuses on Tom and Barbara and their desire to get rid of the 9-5 working life to become fully self-sufficient and live of the ground.

Tom and Barbara’s House

The sitcom largely focuses around Tom and Barbara’s hose, described in the series as being located in Surbiton.

The exterior of Tom and Barbara’s house is 55 Kewferry Road, Northwood as shown below.

The Good Life Filming Locations

Jerry and Margo’s House

In the The Good Life Tom and Barbara live next to Tom’s former work colleague Jerry and his wife Margo. To make filming easier, the location of Tom and Barbara’s house was specifically chosen as it had a suitable house directly next door that could be used for filming.

The exterior of Jerry and Margo’s house is 53 Kewferry Road, Northwood as shown below.

The Good Life Royal Special 1978: When I’m 65

In this episode we see Tom and Jerry go for a run in the local area. Halfway through however they change plans and decide to take refuge in a local pub instead. The pub used for filming was The Gate, Northwood, London

The Good Life Filming Locations

The Green Doors

The doors are no longer green but still exist today in Northwood, London as shown below.

Pig’s Lib Filming Locations

At the start of this episode we see Tom visit a newsagents to barter for his regular magazine.

The newsagents used in this episode has unfortunately closed but the building remains a retail unit to this day and is currently a Baskin and Robbins Ice Cream store.

Find some other Classic BBC Sitcom Filming Locations

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