BBC Sherlock Is It Filmed In Baker Street?

BBC Sherlock Is It Filmed In Baker Street?
Sherlock Holmes Residence

If you are a fan of the BBC drama ‘Sherlock’ then you will probably recognise the image above showing the door to Sherlock’s flat and the neighbouring business, ‘Speedy’s’. The photo above was taken by me whilst in London a few months back. The question however, ‘BBC Sherlock Is It Filmed In Baker Street?’.

Sherlock Holmes residence 221b Baker St

The external filming location of Sherlock Holmes residence in the BBC Sherlock series is actually, 187 North Gower Street, London. Speedy’s next door to 187 is actually a real business, and operates under that name. The only changes made to the street during filming was the replacement of the entire front door to 187. This was replaced with a similar black door but bearing the number 221b. Additionally there is a plaque on the front of 187 North Gower Street in recognition of Giuseppe Mazzini who lived there in the 1800’s. For filming this was covered by an external light.

Explore North Gower Street with Google Street View

I hope you enjoyed reading ‘BBC Sherlock Is It Filmed In Baker Street?’. Additionally, if you know of any other Sherlock filming locations, please comment below.

Find more Filming Locations.

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