Butterflies is a 1970s/80s BBC sitcom which follows the middleclass family the Parkinson’s. Ben and Ria are happily married but yet Ria finds herself dissatisfied with her life and in need for something more. In the post we look at some of the Butterflies Filming Locations.
Ria and Ben’s Parkinson’s Home
The home or the Parkinsons. Ben and his wife Ria, and their sons Russell and Adam. The location used for the exterior shots of their home was, 30 Bournside Rd, Cheltenham GL51 3AH.

The streets around this location are also used for many of the driving scenes throughout the sitcom.
Series 1 Episode 1
During this episode we see Ria almost get run over by Leonard while crossing the road. This was filmed down the road from their house at Bournside Road and was on the junction with Hatherley Court Road.

After Ria’s near accident, Ria and Leonard go for a walk in the park. These scenes were filmed in nearby Hatherley Park, Bournside Rd, Cheltenham GL51 3AL.

Later in the episode we see Ria go to meet Leonard at a restaurant but changes her mind having looked through the window.

This was filmed on Montpellier Walk, Cheltenham, GL50 1SD
Series 1 Episode 2
Ria meets Leonard at a local restaurant for a discreet meal.

As of 2024 this restaurant is the Giggling Squid, 6-7 Montpellier St, Cheltenham GL50 1SX

Later in the episode Leonard spots Ria out shopping and stops to speak to her.

This location has changed quite a bit but was filmed on High Street, Cheltenham, outside the former Westminster Bank which is now a Costa Coffee.
Series 1 Episode 3
Russell and Adam are out an about busking to earn some extra cash.

This was filmed on High Street, Cheltenham. In 2024 Mansfield was a Paddy Power Shop and the former Abbey National a travel agents called Flight Centre as shown below

Series 1 Episode 4
Lorenzo goes to leave a message on the Parkinson’s mini, but rather than finding Ria return to the mini, it’s Russell and Adam.

This was filmed on Montpellier Street outside The Montpellier Wine Bar.
Series 1 Episode 5
In the episode we see Leonard and Ria watching a brass band in the park. What starts of as a pleasant situation quickly turns into an argument.

This was filmed at the Band Stand at Pittville Park Prestbury, Cheltenham GL50 4SH.

Series 2 Episode 2
Ria has decided to rally the troops to help put a stop to fox hunting.

This was filmed at The Neptune Fountain, 83 Promenade, Cheltenham GL50 1PJ.
Series 2 Episode 6
Ria is at the train station to pick up Susanna, her glamourous friend.

The train station used for filming these scenes was, Moreton-in-Marsh station, Station Road, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 0AA.

Other Filming Locations
A lot of the filming locations listed above are used multiple times across all four series of Butterflies. Locations such as the Parkinsons house on Bournside, Cheltenham and neighbouring streets, Hatherley Park, the restaurant on Montpellier Street, High Street and many other streets and parks within Chelentham. I have covered the main locations and main repeated locations but if you would like another location added please comment below.
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