In this post, we look at the Top 5 Popular SaaS Cloud Applications PC. For the context of this post when we talk about PC Cloud Applications, we are talking about applications that allow for files to automatically be synced between your PC and the Cloud.
1. Google Backup and Sync (Drive)
In position number one we have Google Backup and Sync. Google takes the top position for a number of reasons. Not only because it has a generous 15GB Free Tier but also because out of the 5 tools we looked at, Google provided the most seamless integration. Easy to configure, and easy to understand where your files are from a user perspective (cloud/local).

2. One Drive
In second place comes Microsoft’s One Drive. Similar to Google’s solution One Drive comes on a Free Tier but is limited to 5GB. Its setup configuration is a little bit more complex and some users I have spoken to have been confused by what is and isn’t on their device as well as the cloud.
3. iCloud
iCloud is Apple’s offering and also offers a free tier with 5GB of storage allowance.
4. Drop Box
Rather than a free tier, Drop Box offers a free trial. Its pricing starts from £7.99 a month for an incredible 2,000GB encrypted storage.
Not as well known, MEGA offers an incredible 20GB on their Free tier. Likely in an effort to try and steal market share from the big names. Although I have personally not used MEGA, I know businesses who have and highly recommend it.
Thank you for reading. Top 5 Popular SaaS Cloud Applications PC.