One Foot in the Grave is a BBC comedy that originally aired from 1990 until 2000. Starring Richard Wilson as the infamous Victor Meldrew and Annette Crosbie as his very patient wife.
The sitcom was largely filmed at BBC studios in front of a live studio audience. However, a number of outside locations in Dorset and London were used for external scenes.
Victor Meldrew’s House Filming Location
From Series 2 onwards the location of Victor Meldrew’s House from One Foot In The Grave was 4 Tresillian Way, Walkford. This has become the house that most people relate to being that or Mr and Mrs Meldrew.
4 Tresillian Way, Walkford, Christchurch
Victor Meldrew’s House From Above
One Foot In The Grave Series 1 House
A different house was used during series 1. It is unclear why a different location was used from series 2 onwards but it was thought it was to do with the original house changing ownership. In the program at the start of series 2 Victor and Margaret return from holiday to find their house has been on fire, hit by a hurricane, and subsequently demolished. They then move to a new house shown above.
Victor Meldrew’s House From One Foot in the Grave series 1. The original location of the house used for the external shots was 28 Warnford Road, Bournemouth.
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