Sandylands is a UK TV Comedy originally airing on Gold in 2020. Staring an all star cast the story revolves around Les Vegas (Sanjeev Bhaskar) who has faked his own death, and his daughter Emily (Natalie Dew), who has returned from London to attend her dads memorial, only to find him alive hiding at home.
The sitcom also stars, Simon Bird, David Walliams, Hugh Bonneville and Sophie Thompson.
Les Vegas’s House & Swallows By The Sea B&B
In the sitcolm Les Vegas lives in Sandylands next door to the Swallows By The Sea.
The majority of the Sandylands was filmed in an around Wetern-super-Mare.
Number 9 Victoria Park, doubled as the exterior for Les’s House, which the neighbouring house, Number 10, doubled as the exterior for the Swallows By The Sea Bed & Breakfast.
Les Vegas Arcade
Les Vegas owns a games arcade on the sea front. The filming location for the arcade was not actually in Weston-Super-Mare but instead was filmed around the coast slightly in Clevedon, at Clevedon Amusements.
Sandylands Train Station
Western-Super-Mare train station doubled as the train station for Sandylands where we see Emily returning to Sandylands in the first episode.
The Regent Restaurant & Coffee Lounge
Emily has a meeting with the Insurance Fraudulent Claims Investigator. This filming took place in The Regent Restaurant & Coffee Lounge as shown below.
Chino’s Nightclub
For the filming of Chino’s Nightclub, the club Tropicana on Marine Parade was used.
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